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 The protective ability of medical masks against oil fumes is actually quite limited. In kitchen environments, we need masks with P ratings to protect against oil fumes. P-rated masks include specifications such as "NIOSH P95" or "EU FFP2," which are the best choice for preventing harm from oil fumes.

During the pandemic, many people thought that medical masks would protect them in any environment, but in reality, different environments require masks with different levels and functions to protect respiratory safety.

Medical masks use electrostatic filter materials, and in high humidity environments, the electrostatic charge gradually diminishes, and the protective power decreases. Additionally, electrostatic filtering materials are inadequate for protecting against oily particles, so masks with electrostatic filters used in oily environments may not provide sufficient protection.

The design of medical masks is also intended to block larger particles and bacteria, but the particles in oil fumes are generally smaller than PM2.5. Therefore, ordinary masks cannot effectively block the small particles in oil fumes. Masks with high protection levels should be chosen for use in oily environments. Food service workers spend long hours in kitchen environments, where the concentration of oil fumes is much higher than in typical household kitchens. Prolonged inhalation of oil fumes at high concentrations can accumulate health hazards.

In kitchen and food service work environments, wearing masks specifically designed for oil fumes is essential to protect one's health.